25-27 October

Sessioni di Vinyasa, Yin Yoga e Meditazione. 

Passeggiate nei boschi e degustazioni dei prodotti locali. 


Vinyasa, Yin Yoga Sessions and Meditation,

Walks in the woods and tasting of local products.


For costs and information visit: 

Weekend Yoga and Tasting in Verona with Silvia Girardi



Fiera Vinitaly
Fiera Cavalli

Opera season at the Arena

Verona summer theatre:
concerts, dance and prose

Verona in love
Open cellars

Other events


Inspire: Yoga and Meditation Retreat (3 Days 2 Nights)


25 May – 27 May 2018


This retreat offers the ultimate chance to take time out of everyday routines and to reconnect with self, restore vitality to the body and peace to the mind, as well as release tension and blockages in order to create a sense of deep well-being and joy.


Sessions are dynamic, friendly, fun and delivered with a down to earth approach.


Embark on this transformational journey where you will experience detoxification and healthy living through daily yoga classes, silent meditation, mala meditation, sound meditation with the amazing vibrations of the Tibetan Singing Bowls and Native American drumming.


Re-connect and explore nature and enjoy sunbathing by the pool.... There is a beautiful infinity pool in the hamlet’s grounds, surrounded by olive trees and overlooking the national park stretching over the valley. There is space around the pool to practice.


The weekend will be used as a journey into deeper understanding and connection with yourself, nature, and life with amazing like-minded people. You will embrace your whole being by re-connecting relaxing, meditating, releasing, laughing and enjoying healthy Italian food.


Come and enjoy an inclusive and beautiful environment, and a stunning location, surrounded by magnificent nature surrounded by hills and vineyards with the opportunity to rejuvenate, nurture yourself, and improve your overall wellbeing.


Soak up the sun, unplug from your hectic daily life, and reconnect to your heart as you participate on this retreat in beautiful Italy under the Veneto sky! This will be the perfect retreat for those who love basking under the sunlight and taking in the wonderful panoramic views from the top of the hill. Stay healthy and fit with the yoga practice interlaced with different meditation practices and delicious vegetarian food at the secluded retreat center, Agriturismo Casa Zen.


The timetable is designed for you to have lots of time to relax and reconnect through different practices, so of course everything is optional.

etreat Programme:


12 pm to 1pm                      Arrival & Welcome

1pm to 2pm                          Lunch

2pm to 4pm                          Mala Workshop & Mala Meditation

4 pm to 5.30pm                  Nature Walk & Native American Drumming

5.30 pm to 6 pm                 Free Time to Relax

6 p m to 7 pm                       Restorative Yoga

7 p m to 8 pm                       Dinner

8 pm to 9 pm                        Chakra Meditation



7 am to 8 am                        Silent Meditation

8 am to 9 am                        Vinyasa Yoga

9am to 10 am                       Breakfast

10 am to 12 pm                   Nature Walk & Chakra Meditation

12 pm to 12.30 pm             Nature & Silent Meditation

12.30 pm to 1 pm               Free Time to Relax

1 pm to 2 pm                        Lunch

2 pm to 4 pm                        Free Time to Relax    

4 p m to 5 pm                      Exploring Nature

5 pm to 7 pm                        Vinyasa Yoga & Drumming Meditation

7 pm to 8 pm                        Dinner               

8 pm to 9 pm                        Mala meditation



7 am to 8 am                         Silent Meditation

8 am to 9 am                         Yoga

9 am to 10 am                      Breakfast

10 am to 11 am                   Chakra & Mala Meditation

11am to 11.30 am              Group Reflection

11.30 am to 12 am             Free time

12 pm to 1 pm                     Lunch


Departure for 1.30 pm


Our amazing retreat invites you to join us to:

•Experience the life changing and transformative benefits of Yoga and Meditation

•Daily chakra Meditation to restore your energy system

•Experience the power of sounds through the healing vibrations from the Native American


•During the retreat you will have free periods each day to relax, reflect and rejuvenate

•Experience silence the language of the soul

•Explore and re-conect with the serene and peaceful surroundings of nature. Mother earth will  

ground you and support you to materialised your desires

•Nature walking


•Indulge your senses in healthy nutritious vegetarian food

•Leave feeling refreshed, renewed and rejuvenated, ready to apply the life-long wisdom of living in harmony with yourself and your environment, in your day to day life

•Embrace deep relaxation, personal awareness and access to that peace within that we all crave in

our busy lives

•Enjoy social time with the other retreatants and/or take time to relax in your own room

•During the retreat there are daily group exercises and one-to-one support to aid your journey

Package Includes:

•2-nights accomodation

•Full-board meal - breakfasts, lunches and dinners

•Holistic activities:

•Vinyasa Yoga

•Silent Meditation

•Mala Meditation

•Chakra Meditation


•Sound Meditation - Native American Drumming

•Nature walks

•Free Parking

All catering is provided by Agriturismo Casa Zen.


£ 350 per person (on a shared four people room basis)

£370 per person (for couple in double room)

Price is inclusive of all meals and practices.

For more information and booking contact us via The Harmony Retreat website


or directly to Carina 0044- 7507260892 and / or Stefania 0044- 7806316542


Special discounts and concessions


At the moment
there are no
promotions available